Legal Notice

Compagnie des Alpes-Domaines Skiables (CDA-DS)
SAS simplified joint stock company with a capital of 298,531,100,00 €
Head Office address: 50-52 boulevard Haussmann 75009 Paris, France
Postal address: 137 rue François Guise, 73000 Chambéry, France
Tel. : +33 (0)4 79 75 36 15

Listed under the number 477 855 787 at the Paris Trade and Companies Register
Intra-community VAT no: FR08 477 855 787


David PONSON, CDA-DS Managing Director


Compagnie des Alpes
Head office: 50-52 boulevard Haussmann 75009 Paris, France
Tel. : +33 (0)1 46 84 88 00
Email :


Website design and development: NATIV-CREATION



By using this website, you agree to the following terms and conditions of use:

1. Copyright
Fundamental principles
This website and all of the elements it contains (information, text, images, photographs, drawings, graphics, videos, sounds, data, database, programmes, software etc.) belong to CDA-DS, or are subject to copyright legislation.
This website and all of the elements it contains are protected by international intellectual property legislation.
In accordance with the intellectual property code, this website and all of the elements it contains are provided exclusively for private, non-commercial use only.
Except with legal authorisation, the reproduction, representation or use of all or any of this website or the elements it contains is strictly forbidden without prior written consent from CDA-DS.
Any unauthorised reproduction, representation or use of this website or the elements it contains is a breach of CDA-DS’ rights and may lead to the perpetrator incurring civil and criminal liabilities.


Downloadable content
CDA-DS may make elements (photographs, videos, press packs, press releases etc) available to users of this website which can be downloaded (hereafter referred to as «Downloadable Content»). CDA-DS grants you non-exclusive, nontransferable rights at no charge, to copy, download and use the Downloadable Content for private, non commercial use only for the legal duration of the intellectual property rights, as defined by French and international law and international conventions (including all default regulations and subsequent changes), providing the copied or downloaded elements are neither modified nor altered in any way, and that the relevant references to copyright and distinguishing features are legible and clearly visible.

CDA-DS authorises professional journalists to use the press packs and press releases available on this website for professional purposes only, providing the copied or downloaded elements are neither modified nor altered in any way, and that the relevant references to copyright and distinguishing features are legible and clearly visible.

By downloading the Downloadable Content, you agree to use it in accordance with these terms of use.

Any inappropriate use of the Downloadable Content, which may damage the image and reputation of CDA-DS, or any person represented in the Dowloadable Content, will lead to legal proceedings.


Image rights
All images and photographs of people and places found on this website are the property of CDA-DS, or are used by CDA-DS in agreement with the copyright holders.
Any complete or partial reproduction, representation, use or modification of any of these images or photographs is forbidden without prior written agreement from CDA-DS.
Any complete or partial use of these documents, without prior written agreement, is prohibited and may result in legal action being taken.


User contributions
CDA-DS may provide an area on this website for User Generated Content, views, photos etc referred to hereafter as «User Generated Content».

By publishing User Generated Content on this website, you grant CDA-DS a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, worldwide user licence at no charge, allowing it to reproduce, represent, adapt, translate, use and share the published User Generated Content for the legal duration of the intellectual property rights, as defined by French and international law, and international conventions (including all default regulations and subsequent changes), on this website and on all social media where CDA-DS is, or will be present.

This authorisation gives CDA-DS the right to adapt and edit the User Generated Content as deemed necessary by CDA-DS, as long as it does not change the User Generated Content excessively.

You declare and guarantee, without exception or reservation, that:

  • You are the sole author of the User Generated Content published by you, and as such, you warrant that you own the intellectual property rights, as defined by Intellectual Property Law, to the published User Generated Content;
  • The User Generated Content is your original creation with regards copyright law;
  • You have control over any third party intellectual property rights (copyright, neighbouring rights, brand rights and patents, industrial design rights etc.), individual rights and all rights of ownership that may encumber the User Generated Content in any way, for the purpose of allowing the use of the User Generated Content by CDA-DS as descibed here;
  • the User Generated Content published does not infringe the intellectual property, image or privacy rights, or any other legal or moral rights of any third party;
  • the User Generated Content published does not contain any illegal, defamatory, slanderous, disparaging, abusive, offensive, discriminating, hateful, racist, anti-Semitic, xenophobic, homophobic, violent, shocking, obscene, vulgar, pornographic or sexually suggestive, indecent, pedophile, child pornography or any content of an abusive or harrassing nature that may affect minors, in any way, shape, or form, and in no way promote alcoholic beverages, tobacco, tobacco-based products, or any kind of substance that is illegal in France;
  • the User Generated Content published does not violate any current French law, rule or regulation;
  • You hereby release, discharge and agree to hold us harmless from any liability related in any way to the use of your User Generated Content.


This authorisation in no way obliges CDA-DS to share the User Generated Content published. CDA-DS reserves the right to delete the User Generated Content published at any time, without any prior notice.

Social networks are third party platforms. As such, sharing and using User Generated Content on them is governed by the terms of use set by the third party. CDA-DS will not therefore be held responsible for any use of User Generated Content, either by itself or by a third party, in accordance with the terms of use set by the social networks, with regards the scope of rights granted in particular, for the duration of the rights and with regards deletion of User Generated Content. Any complaint should be addressed directly to any third party with regards the use of the User Generated Content, in accordance with the terms of use set by the social networks.

Moreover, any User Generated Content may be incorporated into SEO, and may therefore be viewed by users beyond this website.


2. Distinguishing features
Company names, business names, initials, brand names, logos and other distinguishing features reproduced on this website are protected under copyright law.
Any complete or partial reproduction, representation or use of any of the aforementioned distinguising features, whether on their own or with other elements, images or photographs is forbidden without prior written agreement from the copyright holders.


3. Databases
Any database provided on this website is the property of CDA-DS, in its capacity of database producer.
It is forbidden to extract or reuse a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the content of the databases, even for private use.


Hypertext links to this website are permitted, subject to the following:

  • The pages of this website must not be placed on pages of another site, but should be easily accessible from another window;
  • The information found on this website must not be used for commercial purposes;
  • The website from which the hypertext link comes from does not share controversial, pornographic or xenophobic information that may be offensive to other users, or damage the image of CDA-DS.

CDA-DS reserves the right to withdraw its authorisation at any time.


CDA-DS may not be held liable for the following:

  • Any temporary suspension of the site for maintenance reasons;
  • Any malfunction of the internet network affecting access to the site. You acknowledge and accept the technical and functional characteristics, as well as the limits of the internet network, (in terms of access, availability, errors, capacity, loading time, response time to display, view, check pages, or transfer data, interruptions, security risks relating to misappropriation, hacking, a virus etc.);
  • Any malfunction or incorrect use of your device, or any other equipment used to access this website;
  • Provision of incorrect, incomplete or false information by yourself;
  • Of faults, loss, delays or data transmission errors beyond the control of CDA-DS;
  • Of the information content found on websites connected to this site by hypertext link;
  • Of a breach of these terms of use by yourself.


Any request regarding use of your personal information should be addressed to:

  • Using the contact form on the « Need Help » form of this website;
  • By post to the following address: CDA-DS, Délégué à la protection des données, 137 rue François Guise, 73000 Chambéry, France; or
  • By email to the following address:

All other requests should be sent to:

  • Using the contact form on the «Need Help » form of this website;
  • By post to the following address: CDA-DS, 137 rue François Guise, 73000 Chambéry, France;
  • By email to the following address:; or
  • By telephone on the following number: +33 (0)4 79 75 36 15.